Early days of Paper Coffee Store & The Liebster Award

Hello, everyone! Today’s post is a little bit different  than usual and off my normal schedule, but it’s good – shaking our routines up from time to time gives life some spice! Scheduling spice, at least…. 🙂 I’m happy to tell you that  I was nominated for The Liebster Award by lovely Ashley from Ashley Lilly Blog. Thank you for the nomination, Ashley! Before I move on to The Liebster Award’s protocol, I thought I would share with you the origins of my blog and its name.


I started the blog back in 2015. It was June, and I really felt the need to have something of my own. Something that would belong to me, and would bend under the pressure of my little thoughts just like wax. I am not constant with my feelings, desires, and hopes and I tend to scrap my projects before they have a chance to grow, so I didn’t really think it would last long. Normally, it never did. I had a blog when I was 12 or 13 and never wrote more than 2 posts. It didn’t really matter to me, though, since I needed to make something out of my enthusiasm. This is how I started my blog.

Everything comes alive when you name it. Names can consist of millions of shades and meanings. I was looking for something that would fit the idea of what I wanted to share with the world. The question was… what did I want to share with the world? At that time, the answer was… everything. I wanted to talk about millions of things I loved and hated, desired and avoided, and that’s when the cup of coffee gave me an idea. Back when I was still in high school, I used to meet in a cafe with my friend every Thursday. We called our meetings “Coffee Thursdays” and we were talking about everything and nothing for hours. Starting from profound truths of the universe, ending on what kind of dress would be perfect for the prom. This is what I wanted for my blog. The depth and everyday simplicity, everything and nothing, just as if I was talking to my friend in that little, lovely cafe. Since words have always been linked to paper and ink in my mind, I thought of the little, old-fashioned store with books and paper… You know, the kind that always enchants young romantics in the movies, and makes you feel like you are in the Wonderland… the kind of store that slowly dies out, replaced by cheaper, better-equipped shops on the other side of the street. I wanted people to feel  like they came to the old store like this, where they could enjoy words and find them helpful, just like coffee. Dots connected and voila… Paper Coffee Store came to life.

Now that you know my little story, let’s move on to… The Liebster Award! It always puts a smile on my face to write posts like this. It’s a pleasure to be nominated, Ashley! To find some great poetry, and more, head to Ashley’s blog Ashley Lilly Blog and show her some love! Thanks for the nomination, Ashley.

Six rules of The Liebster Award: 

  1. Acknowledge the blog that nominated you
  2. Answer 11 questions the blogger gives you
  3. Write 11 facts about yourself
  4. Nominate 5+ other bloggers
  5. Give them 11 questions to answer
  6. Let them know you nominated them

Now it’s high time I answered Ashley’s questions…

1-What was your favorite childhood toy?

Oh boy, that’s a tough question, because I can’t remember liking any of my toys more than the other one! Maybe I did, but there’s no memory inside my head to confirm it. When I was 18, though, I bought a teddy tiger in the market, and I swear I love this toy very much. Maybe I should be embarrassed to admit it, but my inner child’s still alive, and I have no regrets. I’ve always loved tigers and wanted to be like them: strong, proud to stand out, wild and not chained by opinions of other people. My Tiger Toy is my favorite tiger boy, and I admit it without shame!

2-Who is your role model?

My mom and my grandma – because of their kindness, Scott Francis Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway – because their words hold magic, Taylor Swift – because she knows how to turn negativity into Top 5 hit and can narrate a song well, John Green – because he makes education easier to access and that’s a beautiful way of making a change, Malala – because she fights for what she believes in, and every single strong woman, who doesn’t feel a need to justify herself, because this is who I want to be.

3-What gives you hope when you’re going through a hard time?

My family. My mom really stands by my side, even if she doesn’t understand why I feel the way I do or act a certain way. Also,  motivational videos, because they work for me. Most of all, though… walks. I really have to walk things out, very literally, to feel better. After every terrifying physics lesson in high school – the teacher was very scary inside the classroom – I had to walk home. I couldn’t take a bus because I was too anxious to do so, so I was just walking and walking, 5 or 6 kilometers, until I was home. Suddenly I felt better. Walking things out is still my best remedy.

4-What’s a random act of kindness you’ve witnessed or received?

One time I was late to the bus station, and when I caught the bus last minute and wanted to pay  for a ticket, the bus driver told me he only accepted coins. Sadly, I only had cash in larger nominals, so I couldn’t pay. The friendly lady sitting close to the driver gave me coins to pay for my ticket. It was definitely random, but an amazing act of kindness, since I didn’t have to wait 2 hours for another bus! Thank you, the friendly lady, I still remember.

5-If you could go on vacation with any famous person, who would it be?

If dead people count, then Fitzgerald because he’s my favorite writer! If only alive people count, then Nina Dobrev, because she always goes on these fun road trips, and that’s my idea of the perfect vacation!

6-What have you learned about yourself in the last year?

Mostly: I’ll never be picture perfect I’ve always wanted to be, but it’s okay. The second thing? I am scared more often than I would like to admit. I fear so many things that the list would never end if I made one. It’s okay to be afraid, as long as we conquer our little fears, though, and that’s what I’m doing now. One more thing: I’ve learned I can actually stay committed because the blog and I have been going less or more steady for a year now!

7-What’s your favorite holiday?

Christmas! I can eat as much as I want, and spend so much time with my family! Also, I love buying presents. Getting presents feels nice, but the thrill of choosing presents for people I care about is something I love.

8-If you could have the power to turn into an animal, which animal would you choose?

Tiger. There could be no other answer. There is something gracious, yet dangerous about this animal. It’s strong, proud and doesn’t let fear rule his life. This is everything I aspire to be.

9-What used to scare you that you are no longer afraid of?

Failure, and the unknown. I can’t say I’m 100% unafraid of both of them, but I’ve made such a great progress that I could say I’m close to that. Also, I’m not scared of people leaving me anymore. People in my life changed, yet I’m still okay. 

10-Do you prefer having lots of alone time or lots of time with other people?

I’m an introvert, so me-time is what I need the most in my life.  I love being alone, just me, my thoughts and a cup of coffee. From time to time, I crave company, so I would say – everything in moderation.

11-What accomplishment in your life are you most proud of?

Probably my social projects and… the fact I’ve got back on my feet and got my life together after everything was filled with darkness, self-doubt and restlessness when  the image of myself I created and wanted to live up to… broke crashed in two. 

Now 11 facts about me…

  1. I’m a hopeless romantic. I’m that kind of a girl, who wants to write love letters, dance in the rain, go stargazing to the local park and have a lovely lunch at midnight, just because stars never go out of style. I’ll do all of that when I find Gilbert to my Anne. Fingers crossed!
  2. My favorite song ever is “Crying Lightning”  by Arctic Monkeys. No other song speaks to me as much as this one. The 2nd and 3rd one would be “Vienna” by Billy Joel and “Same old love” by Selena Gomez.
  3. When I was 10 I wanted to be an archeologist.  After that I discovered writing and I’ve wanted to be a writer ever since.
  4. My dream travel destination’s Scotland! I fell in love with its raw beauty when I saw “Outlander” for the first time and I’ve been obsessed ever since.  P.s: “Simply Scottish” podcast is definitely too good to miss out on it!
  5. I struggle with anxiety and mood swings. Sometimes my mind turns against me and feeds on my fears. We’re slowly becoming friends now.
  6. I am easily smitten by people, places or things. I can easily become fascinated with something or somebody,  but  it usually fades away quickly.
  7. I love English! Its words, sounds, the way it flows – English’s magical to me.
  8. I asked a stranger (at that time) to be my date for the prom party because  he reminded me of a book character… Yes, I’m obsessed with books. 😀 P.s: he agreed!
  9. I want to be a polyglot! Languages on my list? French, Spanish and Arabic!
  10. I’ve always wanted to be a witch. Magical powers all the way!
  11. One time somebody told me I reminded them of Hermione and I couldn’t have been happier! Also, one of my college friends told me I reminded them of Cassie from Skins. Since I never watched the series, I can’t tell much about it, but I hope she wasn’t terrible. 😀

Since I answered all of the questions, it’s time I introduced you, my  lovely nominees!

  1. Modern Day Girl Blog
  2. Oh Dear Deer
  3. My World As You See It
  4. Finding Montauk
  5. Does This Make Me A Blogger

My questions for them are:

  1. If you could travel in time… would you and if so, what would be your first travel?
  2. How did you come up with an idea for your blog’s name?
  3. Would you rather win 100000$ or meet aliens?
  4. What’s your favorite past time?
  5. Who did you want to be when you were a child?
  6. What couldn’t you just live without?
  7. Who do you admire?
  8. What was the weirdest thing you’ve ever seen somebody do?
  9. Your motto?
  10. What makes you happy?
  11. How would describe your life in one sentence?

That would be all for today. I hope you’re having a wonderful weekend!

Best wishes,



The Sunshine Blogger Award

Hello, my dear readers! How are you doing? Today’s post is all about The Sunshine Blogger AwardI am honored to have been nominated by a lovely Fabiola – a mind behind My Heart of Mexico.  Her blog is absolutely wonderful – she writes about her home country Mexico in such a gripping way that everything becomes even more interesting than it was before. I would honestly recommend anyone to subscribe to My Heart of Mexico.  Especially you  – my dear fellow Spanish learners!  Thank you for nominating me Fabiola! I am grateful to be one of your nominees.


  • Thank the person who nominated you.
  • Answer the 11 questions you were asked.
  • Nominate 11 other bloggers and let them know they were nominated.
  • Ask the nominees 11 questions.



  1. Why did you start blogging?

I started blogging because I needed a platform to change my writing into a habit. I have always been full of words, but I could never control them – they controlled me. They used to come when they wanted, leaving me frustrated when they left me empty. I thought regular writing sessions would tame them. It worked. Aside from that, I have so many things I want to tell the world, so I decided that having a blog would be a good way to leave my trace, and connect with people.

    2.   What do you like best about blogging?

The joy of creating. I could write, create graphics, edit videos and play with colors for hours! The second best thing would be a blogging community. Everyone’s so supportive and awesome!

3. What is the hardest thing about blogging?

Staying consistent. I am not very disciplined, so I don’t post as much as I would like to. Planning is easy, but sticking to the plan is another story!

4. Where do you get your inspiration?

Our world inspires me the most. Everything about it – all of its shades and cracks. Music also plays a great role in everything I do. It gives me energy and helps me to stay creative. Nothing better than that.

5. What are your blogging strengths?

Such a difficult question! I see more weaknesses than strengths, but that I would say that my strength is my writing style. I like it myself, and people praised it too, so maybe it’s my little super power.

6. What are your blogging weaknesses?

My lack of consistency is probably my biggest weakness, but the other one would be graphics. I am still learning how to make eye-pleasing visual content, and there’s a long way to go until I am even moderately good at it .

7. What are your blogging goals?

I would love to grow my audience and have my own learning tribe. It would be amazing to have a community  like this. Aside from that, making a living out of writing is my biggest dream, so if the blog could ever support me financially, it would make my dreams come true. Becoming better at graphics and marketing is also my blogging goal.

8. What is the best blogging advice you’ve received?

Somebody advised me to write regularly even when I don’t feel like doing it. It was probably the best advice I could have been given because it kept me going when I saw no point in continuing.

9. What is the most important lesson you’ve learned while blogging?

I’ve learned that thing which makes you feel accomplished doesn’t have to be spectacular. I always thought I would be only satisfied with a great success, but that’s not true. My blog might be small, but it fills me with joy and sparks my creativity. Be happy for small things – that’s my lesson and my advice for new bloggers! 

10. What is your advice for new bloggers?

As I wrote above – be happy for small things. Stay consistent. Learn from other bloggers – they are supportive and can help you grow! Don’t give up and always remember why you started. Plus, connect with a blogging community to stay inspired! 

11. Where do you see your blog in 5 years?

That’s a tough question! I’m still looking for my identity  and it shows in my blog. I hope in 5 years both I and my blog will be confident in who we are. I would love it to become my platform for my other projects as well. Foremost, though, I hope it will not be an abandoned, empty internet space.


I would love to nominate 11 wonderful bloggers who happen to be among my favourite bloggers. Here is the list:

  1. Charlotte from Charlotte around the world – travel.
  2. Jonelle from Tyranny of pink – self-acceptance.
  3. Ana from Faded Spring – fashion.
  4. Ming from The Urban Cat – lifestyle.
  5. Francesca from  My Life In Rose Tinted Glasses – lifestyle.
  6. Ellie and Nina from  Follow The Sisters – travel.
  7. Joanna from The World In My Pocket – travel.
  8. Akriti from  La Travel Chica – travel and food.
  9. Trisha from The Ham & Cheese of it – healthy living.
  10. Juliet from Yours Juliet – travel.
  11. Sonia from Sonish Space – fashion.

I would recommend you to check out their blogs because each and every of them is extremely amazing and special! Thanks for existing, my dear nominees.

My questions for you:

  1. Why did you decide to start blogging?
  2. What’s your life motto?
  3. What inspires you?
  4. What song could be on the soundtrack of your life?
  5. What is your favourite thing about blogging?
  6. Best book you have ever read?
  7. If you could have one super power, what would you choose?
  8. Dream travel destination?
  9. Best life advice you’ve ever got?
  10. What are your blogging goals?
  11. Favourite song right now?

That would be all for today. Thanks for reading! I hope that wherever you are and whatever you are doing, you’re fine. May Force be with you! One last thing….

Have a lovely day,


10 top apps I can’t live without!

Hello, my dear readers! How are you doing? Myself, I’ve been quite fine. As I’m quite into  websites and apps way too much – as you might have already noticed – I decided to share with you the list of my top 10 apps! Some of them are obvious choices, some of them are still quite unknown, so I hope I’ll help you find something great you haven’t known about before! 3…2…1… Let the game begin!

  1. Endomondo

   This app is  a total must-have for everyone wanting to track their fitness achievements! I use it to measure how many kilometres I run/walk, but it can be used for a variety of other sports, cycling and swimming included. A price: free. My verdict: I’m loving it, and you might too!

  2.  Instagram

    Okay, this app is probably the most famous app right now, but I couldn’t omit it. It seems to be all about selfies, but it’s so much more. In fact, it’s a great  place to connect with people.  I frequently look for photos under hashtags I like and come across like-minded people, whose pictures and descriptions I just adore.   Hashtag “book” says hi – so many photos of books to look at!   A price: free. My verdict: Useful in more ways  than it seems!     

3. Podcast Addict

 Who doesn’t love podcasts? They are internet audio and video publications – mostly audio – and they are perfect for everyone who spends much time in buses in a way to work/school/university/insert anything else here. They are thousands of them, and you can either download them or stream them. My favourite ones are BBC documentaries – they are a perfect mix of educational content and an interesting subject. A price: free. My verdict: A great option for everyone, especially those who learn faster by listening, since you can learn languages too!

4.  AnkiDroid

It’s an app for learning with flashcards. It’s designed to optimise your learning as much as it is possible. You can create your own flashcards or download flashcards of other users. My friend recommended it to me a long time ago, and I must admit it’s definitely an app to remember about! Especially if you’re learning new words in your target language. A price: free. My verdict: I found a superhero in this app, and you might too. It’s a learning Batman of the year!

5. Clearfocus

        Something for those wanting to improve their productivity. Clearfocus is based on the interval method. 25 minutes of workflow with no interruptions and 5-minute break. You can change both of these numbers, but they’re said to be the most effective according to science. Of course, trying everything out is always the best option, since everyone’s different. For me, 25/5 works the best.  A price: free. My verdict: it could be the one!

6. Daily curiosity 

     New interesting facts delivered to you every day – that’s daily curiosity! It helps me to learn something new even during a busy day, and it has never let me down. A price: free. My verdict: Irreplaceable as Beyonce would sing! 

7.  Evernote

  It’s probably the best noting app I have ever downloaded, and I’ve tried a few of them out. You can save there anything – music, text notes, handwritten notes, photos. If you save too many photos you may need more space and, therefore, a premium account, but text notes don’t take much place, and the basic version is enough. I have most of my blog and writing ideas on Evernote and thanks to that amazing app I still remember about ideas I would easily forget about! A price: free. My verdict: Everything you want Evernote will give you. Magic!


8. 1 second everyday

   It’s an app for recording short videos every single day. In a process, you are documenting your life. As days pass so quickly it’s a great way to make some moments immortal, before everything’s said and done. I use it to talk to my future self and remind myself that no matter how bad I feel… I will make it through. A price: free. My verdict: A+!

9. Duolingo

 Learning languages in a fun way! Spanish, French, Portuguese, Italian, Polish, Dutch, Turkish, Swedish – whatever you like! I have been using it for quite a long time, and I made my brother use it, too. It is an excellent learning tool and its app can make your learning possible anywhere… where you have your phone with you. 😉 A price: Free. My verdict: the best I ever had!

10. Memrise

   It’s another amazing flashcards app! Languages, history, geography, physics, chemistry – whatever you need to learn Memrise will probably help you with it! A price: free. My verdict: one of the greatest and nicest tools for free education. 

Summing up: each and every of these apps is free. They are all, however, very useful and I believe they could possibly help you, too!  Everything in moderation, of course, but apps can make life a lot easier.  Thanks for reading, it means a lot to me.  Ending with a quote would be my style, so here we go… 🙂 

“Kindle the candle of intellect in your heart and hasten with it to the world of brightness.
Nasir-i Khusraw

Yours truly,



Revival of the paper coffee store

Hello, guys. This short post is not a part of my normal blogging schedule, but I feel a strong need to type every single word I’m writing now. Past weeks have been quite rough for me, and I feel like it has affected my blog as well. I would love to apologise  you for it  and to be honest, apologise to myself as well. I have moved into the second stage of adaptation to new places: loneliness and homesickness. October excitement and enthusiasm faded away, leaving me hopeless and empty. I didn’t feel creative, nor inspired to write. However, after all, this time, I know I love this blog very much, and I’m going to give it as much attention as I possibly can. Let the revival of the paper coffee store begin.

I am planning on writing more articles on the Arab world, both regarding the language and history which is very fascinating, yet almost completely unknown. There will be also book and movie reviews, possibly new interviews for my series – Shades of the world, real life stories and learning hacks. Moreover, I haven’t forgotten about Spanish, and I hope to write an article about it soon. Generally, get ready for a bit of everything! The website’s layout changed as well. I’m an amateur, but I hope you like it. I believe it goes in line with the vibe of the papercoffestore.

For anyone curious about foreign words used in the layout – they are all greetings, and represent languages I am or will be learning. You may already know that I’m a native Polish speaker, who is learning English, Spanish and Arabic, but what about Hebrew and French? Well, I’m yet to take any of these languages up, yet alone write posts about learning them, but they’re part of my dreams. You see, in my dreams, I can speak  English, Arabic, Spanish, Hebrew, French and Polish (Already done, since I’m a native!) fluently. That’s a great challenge to undertake, but I hope you will accompany me. It would be a pleasure to have you with me.

Last thing: you can check my guest post “Building castles out of all bricks they threw at me”  out on Jonelle’s blog – Tyranny of Pink. It was such an honor  to write for her, and I would genuinely recommend you to check her website out.

Wow, I have already written so much and I hope you don’t mind. Thank you for all your support. Today I’m also going to post something about Jordan’s greatest treasure – Petra. I hope you will like it. Remember that you can stay tuned with me via social media such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. When it comes to twitter, I’m definitely going to tweet more Arabic words, so if you wish to get some taste of the language, join me!


Have a lovely day,